I used to think it was impossible to make a man fall in love with you.
This was an emotion people either felt or didn’t feel.
If your crush didn’t feel that way about you, there was nothing you could do.
You’d just have to accept your inadequacy.
I always hated feeling so powerless.
How could something I wanted so badly be out of my control?
Was I really supposed to keep dating and dating and hoping that this next guy would accept me?
That strategy wasn’t working so far…
While all my younger prettier friends were settling down with great men, I was no closer to my dream of starting a loving family.
And I was sick of everyone telling me to just be patient!
I was tired of having my heart broken by guys I loved with all my heart - and not even knowing why?!
It felt like I had so much to offer to a man. I had a fit body. A fun personality. A good heart. I was kind, generous, understanding..
Yet, the best guys would never stick around…
And I had no idea what to do, other than to keep trying, while everyone around me was getting married and my youthful looks were slowly fading.
Perhaps you feel the same frustrations?
If so, I need you to keep reading.
Because I’m going to tell you what I did to turn everything around.
There was one online program that transformed how men reacted to me.
After applying the lessons taught in this program, I am now able to keep amazing men in my life - and I am eternally grateful.
The least I can do is tell you about it.
That way, you’ll also be able to catch and keep the wonderful man you deserve.
My break-up with Ben almost sent me spiralling into a meltdown.
At first, everything seemed perfect. He was perfect. And he was infatuated with me.
But after a few months…it was the same old story.
He slowly began to lose interest. Fewer phone calls. Shorter messages. For whatever reason, he suddenly had less time to see me.
Before long, he broke it off.
And not too long after that, he was dating some younger floosie from his office.
This one hit me hard.
It wasn’t just the betrayal. It wasn’t just that he’d found someone better.
It was that the same thing kept happening to me - and I had no idea how to break this pattern!
I could feel this cycle tearing away at my confidence.
Was I not pretty enough? Was I bad in bed? Was I weird or needy or boring?
I never used to think so… but I had to be doing something wrong!
And I was fed up with doing nothing to change it!
I had never been the type of woman to sit passively and watch as something horrible was happening.
So, why should I settle for being the woman who has her heart broken so often?
Instead of doing that, I decided to dig deeper to find out what was going on.
I felt nervous as I scoured the web looking for expert advice.
Perhaps even a little embarrassed...
None of my friends had sought professional help to solve their dating problems.
But I knew there was a problem.
This pattern had repeated too many times to be a coincidence.
And I wasn’t going to sit idly and let this pattern ruin my life.
It took me a while to find any advice that impressed me.
Most of it was the same basic guidance you’d find in any woman’s magazine.
But eventually, I stumbled upon the author who would change my relationships with men forever.
His name was James Bauer. He’d been studying the dynamics between men and women for over a decade.
The articles on his website went deeper into the nuances of male psychology than anything I’d ever read.
The more I read, the more epiphanies would explode in my brain.
It was like seeing into the Matrix. Everything that happened with my previous partners started to make more sense.
James had published a lot of free online content - and I couldn’t stop reading.
The secrets of loving relationships were being revealed before my eyes.
And I have to tell you about one particular article I read. It explained the biggest mistake that women make to scare away their partners.
James explained:
“When a man feels as if you have an agenda, as if you’re trying to trap him in a relationship, his defenses naturally activate. Often, it’s unconscious, but it’s ridiculously common.
“His instincts begin to suggest you’re not “The One”. They point out your flaws. You become this selfish woman trying to steal his freedom. It’s here that he shuts down his emotions. He puts up a brick wall and will do anything to avoid a deeper emotional connection.”
This advice floored me. It made a lot of sense. I had been making this mistake for the best part of a decade.
The article continued...
“Whenever a man feels as if a woman is trying to get something, he’ll put up the blockers. It’s as if he’s under attack! At this point, it’s almost impossible to get through to him. It’s Kryptonite for your relationship.
“Ïronically, it’s when you want him most that you unknowingly sabotage yourself. The more he closes himself off, the more you chase his affection. The problem gets worse as you stress about his lack of investment until he eventually pulls the trigger and leaves.”
Perhaps you’re now wondering what you should do when you begin to experience strong feelings for a man? I certainly was!
James says that the secret to making a man fall in love lies within his ‘Hero’s Instinct’.
This was a little-known aspect of male psychology, which he had discovered through his years studying the dynamics between men and women.
When a woman can trigger this line of thinking in a man, he supposedly begins to experience overwhelming feelings of power, purpose and self-esteem.
Naturally, he becomes more emotionally drawn to a woman who can consistently make him feel like this.
Activating a man’s ‘Hero’s Instinct’ wasn’t easy, but James had constructed a method to help women do it consistently.
He had already helped hundreds of women bag the man of their dreams using this method. There were dozens of testimonials to prove it.
Once I saw he was selling a course that taught women everything they needed to know about triggering a man’s ‘Hero’s Instinct’, I didn’t think twice about buying it.
This man had blown my mind so many times with his free content, so I had no doubts that this course would work for me.
Money was tight at this point in my life, but you can’t put a price on finding true love with a man you trust and adore.
The course was well-presented and easy to follow. It was broken down into small easy-to-understand chapters.
Among the most important lessons were:
On top of that, I was able to learn how to activate a man’s ‘Hero’s Instinct’ consistently, regardless of his emotional state.
Once I knew how to do this, men started to become a lot more serious about dating me.
In their eyes, I was no longer a ‘bit of fun’ who they could toss away once they were bored. Now I could make them release these emotions, these guys were quickly becoming obsessed with me.
They wanted to tie me down into a relationship as quickly as possible, and these relationships wouldn’t peter out, unless I decided they weren’t right.
I was in the driver’s seat. I had regained control over my love life. And I had never felt better.
Ever since taking James’ online course and learning the secrets of male psychology, I have become noticeably more confident.
I guess that’s what happens when you know you can have any man you want…
Within a few weeks, I met Richard. He was tall, muscular, handsome and successful. The type of guy most women would dream of marrying.
We were out at a bar celebrating a mutual friend’s birthday. Richard seemed to know everyone and was clearly an outgoing social guy.
But, almost as soon as we started chatting, we seemed to ‘click’ immediately.
On the first date, the chemistry was red-hot. He was the one pestering me for a second date, and a third and a fourth.
That was more than two years ago. Now, we’re living together.
But our relationship is more passionate than ever.
Ben is always making romantic gestures for no reason. I still feel completely smitten. It feels like we’re perfect for each other.
I’d love to say it was ‘destiny’ that Ben and I initially got on so well, and continue to do so.
But the truth is: I had learned exactly how to capture his attention and fascinate him from the very first night.
I knew exactly what to do to keep him coming back for more. I still do. And it’s all thanks to James’ ‘Hero’s Instinct’ course.
Ben is more fulfilled than ever. But, before he met me, he was definitely one of those handsome extroverts who would have left me as soon as the next beautiful woman entered the frame.
Thankfully, I invested in myself and learned how to give him all the emotional fulfilment he could ever need.
I’m so happy I learned how to unleash his ‘Hero’s Instinct’.
This psychological routine is so powerful, yet so few people seem to know about it.
It really is the key to making your crush feel that you treat him how no other woman can.
Recently, James uploaded a unique and fascinating video, which I believe every single woman should watch.
It contains a lot of information from the course, and acts as a fantastic preview of the detailed knowledge contained within it.
If you’re even a little bit curious about how this man’s methods can improve your love life, I’d urge you to watch this video right now.
(Make sure your speakers are on and click the play button to watch)
Before you start, here are some instructions that I’d recommend you follow.
I know how horrible it feels to keep missing out on great men.
I spent so many lonely evenings worrying about this. It frightened me. It was ruining my self-esteem.
No-one deserves to feel like this, and I am so grateful I have been able to turn this situation around.
That’s why I’m urging you to click here and watch James' video.
This could be the beginning of your happy ending.
It’s time to stop letting true love slip away from you.
All the best,
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