Welcome back, after we already know about things you should know before dating a Latina, now you should know about some things you should know before dating a programmer.
So, will it be difficult to get a programmer? Below here are some interesting reasons why you should date a programmer.
1. They are know everything
They are who people that have high intelligence, they are know everything. They have to use his brain to work hard, it is to resolve how to break the code. This intelligence is very useful to resolve while facing the problem and also discuss anything all about.
2. It is about code
Every woman has its code, while you have a date with a programmer. He also thinks, how to break your code and get you for forever. He will know about you everything.
3. The highest loyalty
Breaks the code, how to manage the code are needed patience and persistent. A programmer is someone who has the highest loyalty to his lover. They are always persistent with what they do, including to stay with you.
4. Trust
A relationship needs to trust each other, well with you date programmer you can trust him. Honestly, he will say the truth so you can trust him. He truths about the code and also you are.
5. The detail and small things
A programmer is who people that look detail on everything, include small things. If he knows the detail all about the code, so how about you? He will know too the detail all about you. Do not worry he understands you well.
6. A real superhero
A programmer is your real superhero for you, why can't be? He will resolve all your gadget problems and all your electronic items in your household. Remember, he is someone who knows everything, right?
7. Updates about technology
Do you want to know more about new technology that trending today? So, asks him. He will tell everything all about the updates technology that trending today.
8. The romantic's side
A programmer has the romantic's side with his own way. Sometimes, he uses technology to show his loves. It will be awesome, right? He can do something that different to show his love to you. It is so special things.
9. Just simple
He does not demand you to wear anything that glamour or sexy. He just wants you to be a simple woman. You need to be yourself.
10. Bright future
A programmer is a job that has a bright future. The good programmer will success with his way. He will be a bright programmer soon and he will get much money.
Signs that he is a good programmer
Okay, the reasons said a programmer is a unique person and he is someone that has the highest loyalty. Now, we will see what are the signs that he is a good programmer? See it below the following here, okay.
1. The passion
Does he really have the passion for being a programmer? Or he just works as a programmer to get much money? In here you must know he really loves his job or not.
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2. Yes, he can handle it
Being a programmer is always full with the deadline. While the deadline comes, he will look stress and panic. So, will he can handle this? A good programmer surely can handle his emotion.
3. Technical skill
This skill has to owned by a programmer. It is a based skill that a programmer must have. With this, they can develop his skills and it can grow with what the programmer wants.
4. More learn about new things
A good programmer must learn something new that related what's new now. With more learn on something new, he will learn about the new things and also get new knowledge.
5. The communication
A good programmer should know how to communicate with a good way to others. A programmer seems seen as a quiet person. Well, if you want to be a successful programmer you should know how to communicate and how to interact with others to improve your skill.
6. Arrogant
Sometimes a programmer that has high skill, he can be an arrogant, laziness and also always hurry while he works. These are the signs that you are not a good programmer although you have the best skill.
7. How to handle if it is failed
The code is failed, as a programmer, you should try and try again, right? It is important to be persistent with what that you do.
Tips how to get a programmer's heart
Below the following here are the tips on how to get a programmer's heart. With this, you can easily get him or her as your partner. See more about partner on some things you need to know about dating a partner who doesn't show affection.
1. He loves challenges
First, make an impress on how to catch a programmer. He loves challenges, so being a little mysterious person it will catch the programmer's heart.
2. Set the right time
Do you have a plan to invite him or want to talk to him? Set the right time, remember his work full of the deadline. So, you can discuss this with him, what is the best solution for this.
3. Let him focuses
Let him focuses on his job, and let him finished it. You have to patients, although you missed him so much. Do not worry, he will finish it on time and he will call you later.
4. Listen to him
He is free right now, so it is the right time to have quality time with him. In this special moment, please you have to listen about what he said. Use this special time to discuss, to share anything that you want to know more about him. He will appreciate if you did this.
5. Do not force him
Okay, you have to give up always. But, remember do not force him into a thing that is not him. Let him be himself. If you feel lonely because he always does his job. You may be busying yourself too.
6. Let's plan
Refresh his mind, okay let's plan to make a vacation. Discuss with him and say this vacation is good for him too. Make sure you do a lot of things that both of you loved.
Hopefully, the above on the things you should know before dating a programmer may useful for you who wants a date with a programmer.
Well, there is some information too that can help you, please see it on The things you should know before dating a Latina, the things you need to know before dating a short girl and also all important things you need to know before you date a Sagittarius.
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