How To Surprise Your Boyfriend On His Birthday In A Long Distance Relationship

Last updated on January 1, 2025 by Michelle Devani

Long-Distance Relationship is a type of relationship which requires trust, patience, and a whole lot of love to keep it going, this is caused by the distance that separates you both which is the reason why you cannot see each other in person for some time.

Your boyfriend's birthday is something to celebrate but how can you celebrate his birthday making him feel special while you are in a long-distance relationship? This is important if you are looking for some Ways to Maintain a Long Distance Relationship with Your Boyfriend.

Worry not my friend with some extra effort, a bunch of love and care and you reading these article on how to surprise your boyfriend on his birthday in a long-distance relationship, you can make your boyfriend feels special with your surprises even you both are miles apart.


1. Write Him Birthday Letters

write him birthday letters

In a long-distance relationship means that your way of communicating is by emails or messaging apps, instead of sending an electronic birthday gift cards why don't you write him a traditional message using pen and paper and sending it via post?

Try to write him a love poem or maybe a story on how you both first met, stick some pictures of both of you together or maybe draw the picture of you both, this will make your boyfriend flatter seeing you willing to do such a small yet meaningful birthday surprise.

2. Make A Song For Him

If you are talented and into music pick up your guitar, a piece of pen and paper then write up a song for him to for you to send to him. Pour your heart out into this masterpiece of yours, tell him how much you love him, tell him how much you miss him, tell him that you are here patiently waiting for his return and your heart and soul belongs to him and him only.

Even though this sounds cheesy but a special song for a special someone on his special occasion will have a special place in his heart and make him thinks of you whenever he listens to it, it is also one of the ways that you can do to Make Him Miss You in Long Distance Relationship.

3. Send Him A Birthday Scrapbook

Everything that is made by both of your own hand will always have a special feeling towards it, in case if you don't know what a scrapbook is a Scrapbooking is a method of preserving, presenting, arranging personal and family history in the form of a book, box, card.

This is one of the ways you can Tell Your Boyfriend What He Means to You without Words, Coordinate with your boyfriend's family to get a copy of his pictures and memories since he is born until the moment that you two are going out, send it towards the doorstep of wherever he lives and he will let out the happiest smile or even perhaps a tear because he is touched and overwhelmed by happiness by seeing the gift that you made just for him. 

4. Send Him A Package Of His Favorite Stuff

send him a package of his favorite stuff

If you have going out with him for a while, you should have known all the things that he like, what I want you to do is to get every single thing that he like, put it into a box and send it to him. This box should have contained his favorite food, a copy of an album of his favorite band, a copy of a movie that you both like, an outfit from his favorite clothing brand, a book that he like, etc.

This should not mean that you need to get him something that is romantic, just get his favorite things and things that he will need the most, this will show that you know him more than anyone and you are giving him special treatment more than anyone else.

5. A Well Arranged Birthday Video

Birthday videos are very common when it comes to sending your special someone a Birthday gift, instead of making the same-like-the-others video, how about you think of an out of the box video scenario? Other than involving families and mutual friends how about you involving someone precious to his life?

It could be his life-changing lecturer, it could be his favorite cafe barista, it could be his office manager, it could be absolutely anyone important to his life. Surely you need to do some extra effort in this one by conducting some research, contacting and meeting that person, but believe me, it will be one of the most beautiful things that he has ever seen, oh and make sure you will be in that video's ending as well. 

6. Midnight Flowers, Balloons, and Cakes

This is another simple yet beautiful surprise to give to your boyfriend on his birthday even though you are miles apart, this is also how you Show Love in A Long Distance Relationship. Send him a box filled with birthday cake and gifts wrapped with birthday balloons towards his doorstep, make sure the package is delivered by midnight.

When midnight comes call him via video chat wishing him a happy birthday and ask him to open the door to pick up your special package, after he picks it up, sing a birthday song while asking him to blow the candles on his birthday cake; by doing this, you can still have a traditional birthday celebration even in a long-distance relationship.

7. Arrange An Online Birthday Party

arrange an online birthday party

You may be confused by reading the sentence above, what I mean by that is contact all of you both mutual friends and families to be in one place and wishing him a belated birthday via video chat, this will surprise him because when you video call him as one of the Ways to Stay Connected in A Long Distance Relationship he thinks it is you and yourself only that is going to wish him a happy birthday but it is everyone who he holds dear is in one place at the same time wishing him a happy birthday

8. Wish Him A Happy Birthday, In Person

This classic never gets old, even though the idea is a lame one but the feeling of seeing someone that he loves wishing him a happy birthday while hugging him in person is something that is cannot be changed, the feeling that is full of love and happiness.

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Michelle Devani
My name is Michelle Devani, and I've been helping people with their relationships since 2003. In 2017 I decided it was about time I started a blog on the topic, and since then more than 2 million people worldwide have read my relationship advice. Drop me a comment below to let me know what you think.
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