How To Change From A Bad Girl To A Good Girl - 20 Tricks

Last updated on December 27, 2024 by Michelle Devani

Having a bad girl as a partner can really get into your head. You love her but want her to change for the better. As difficult as it sounds, it is not impossible.


How To Change A Bad Girl To A Good Girl

Staying as a bad girl won’t work forever so changes must be made. There are lots of great ways to change a bad girl to a good girl which are listed as follows:

1. Be Extra Patient

The one thing you need to know on how to change from a bad girl to a good girl is that it requires a lot of patience. As a partner, there are going to be some behaviors from your girl that may seem rude and unwanted. You’ll eventually get tired of them because she tends to be selfish. She won’t want you to dictate her every move either. Extra patience is needed here because a short temper will only lead to arguments. Understand the Ways to Have a Good Conversation with a Girl so you'll have more patience.

2. Mentally Prepare Yourself

mentally prepare yourself

Changing a bad girl’s behaviour is not an easy task. They tend to be hard-headed and difficult to control. If you force her to change, she might not like that and get even worse than before. You need to mentally prepare yourself to face her attitude and keep convincing her to change in a way that would work for her.

3. Tell Her It’s A Sign Of Love

If your girlfriend truly loves you, she might have a stronger will to change her behaviour no matter how hard it’s going to be. After all, it’s you that is asking her to change for the better. You need to see How do You Know if a Girl Loves You or Not. Tell her that if she loves you then she’s willing to work together with you to be a good girl. It doesn’t have to be an instant change. She can take it one step at a time.

4. Talk To Her When She Done Something Wrong

If you see her repeat her mistakes, have a private talk with her. She needs to know that it’s not going to help her change if she keeps making those mistakes. Say you love her and just want to help her out. You don’t want her to become the worst version of a bad girl because it might lead her to bad decisions that she will regret.

5. Be Gentle With Her

Another way to change from a bad girl to a good girl is by being gentle. Being rough and harsh will have an adverse effect on your girl. Find the ways that will work for her. It should not be something that she’s uncomfortable with as that will make her unhappy. The both of you should talk about it as to not hurt anyone’s feelings. Don't leave out the Ways to Say How Much You Love Your Girlfriend too. 

6. Don’t Force Her To Change

don't force her to change

How to change from a bad girl to a good girl? This part is very important. To change someone, you need to take it slow. Force would be unnecessary and cruel. Your girl would only hate you and end up staying far, far away from you. You need to change her in a loving and genuine way. She will be touched by your determination and start to work on getting better.

7. Give Her Appreciations For Her Good Behaviors

No matter how bad your girl is, she must have done some good things too. She’s not a heartless person. Give her appreciations or rewards when she shows a positive progress. It’s a form of support that will make her happy and loved.

8. Keep Cheering For Her

You must always give your girl constant support. If she sees how supportive you are about this then she will see that she’s on the right path. No matter what happens, you need to keep cheering for her so that she’ll always be motivated to change.

9. Give Her Lots Of Attention

Other than support, don’t forget to give her extra attention too. It’s a great way to make her feel loved and wanted. A bad girl often behaves the way she behaves because she’s asking for attention. She wants to be seen and feel special to someone. Be that person who will always have her back during this transformation. These Funny Ways To Cheer Someone Up Over Text and Make Them Smile Again will make her feel special. 

10. Don’t Tell Her Off In Front Of Her Friends

To change from a bad girl to a good girl, you need to make her feel confident. She needs to believe in herself that she can do better than this. Never bring her spirit down by telling her off in front of her friends. If she made a mistake, pull her aside and talk about it. Confronting her in front of the people she knows will make her feel so ashamed of herself and she’ll become unmotivated to change. These are some Things to Say to Your Girlfriend when She is Mad at You which might come in handy.

Other Great Ways To Make Her A Better Woman

other great ways to make her a better woman

You can also use these other ways to make your girl be a good one.

  1. Treat her in the best way possible.
  2. Make her feel safe and comfortable around you so she can trust you.
  3. Be an understanding partner as well as a great friend to her.
  4. Give her some examples of good role models that she can look up to.
  5. Explain all the things she can achieve by being a good girl.
  6. Talk to her often to understand what’s on her heart and mind.
  7. Spend more time to do lots of positive activities with her.
  8. Let her break the rules every once in a while to get all that bad energy out.
  9. Don’t be aggressive as that would only cause her to be angry.
  10. Take her out to fun places so that she’ll always be in a good mood.

When changing a bad girl to a good girl, don’t get carried away with your behaviour. Avoid being too overprotective because that will not work at all. Always be mindful with your words and action to the person you love as she’s willing to change for you.

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Michelle Devani
My name is Michelle Devani, and I've been helping people with their relationships since 2003. In 2017 I decided it was about time I started a blog on the topic, and since then more than 2 million people worldwide have read my relationship advice. Drop me a comment below to let me know what you think.
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