How Do You Tell Your Boss You're Leaving For A New Job?

Last updated on February 5, 2025 by Michelle Devani

A new job can host  a hundred new possibilities, so it’s impossible for you to not get excited about it right? But transitioning to a new job is not that simple because you still have your current boss to face.

Saying that you’re quitting to your boss can either make or break your relationship with them. That is why you have to know these ways on How do you tell your boss you're leaving for a new job:

Telling Your Boss In Person

If your job requires you to sit in for work, then it’s best to meet your boss in person too. What you need to do are these :

  1. Confirm When You’ll Resign

Make sure that you are certain of when you’re quitting. This allows you to plan the date of quitting.

  1. Book A Meeting With Your Boss

Booking a meeting two weeks before you officially quit might be the best idea since it makes it easier for your boss to adjust.

  1. Don’t Be Too Emotional

Being overly emotional will just irritate your boss. Don't show the  Signs A Coworker Has A Crush On You Secretly and keep calm.

  1. Be Confident In Your Decision

Have zero regret in wanting to move to another job. Therefore, you will be more confident in saying the news. Confidence can be built by using (love self)

  1. Be Straightforward

Don’t elongate the conversation with a story or a joke. Make it simple to save both of your time.

  1. Be Grateful

Gratitude shows that you respect the company. It is a way to use the  Things to Say to Your Boyfriend When He Got Mad at You professionally.

  1. Tell Your Co-workers That You’ll Be Quitting

Keeping your co worker informed is a good way to maintain the friendship. What you can do after that is 12 Ways on How to Make Your Crush Happy When She is Sad.

  1. Look Presentable

Looking presentable is really just the cherry on top.

Telling Your Boss Through Text

Texting your boss might be a more efficient idea if you are a freelancer that rarely meets your boss. Here are the manners you should follow in texting :

  1. Make Sure It’s The Appropriate Time

Don’t text before 7 am and after 7 pm. Midday is best since your boss is probably working and paying attention to their emails or social media.

  1. Introduce Yourself First

Don’t expect your boss to remember you without an introduction.

  1. Make The Words Concise

Again, never try to elongate the thing that you’re trying to say. What you shouldn’t do too is using words that are too poetic. Keep it professional.

  1. Finish Your Job First

You have the responsibility to at least finish your job before leaving.

  1. Don’t Text For More Than 500 Words

More than that and your boss will be too bored to understand the point of the conversation.

  1. Be Open To Answer Questions

Your boss might still ask you a favor and ask you things before you go. As long as it is reasonable, go ahead and do it.

Words To Say To Your Boss

When texting or speaking in person, spice up your resignation speech with these words :

  1. Working Here Have Been A Blast
  2. Thank You For Giving Me This Experience
  3. I Am Sad To Leave This Big Family In This Office
  4. I’ve Learned A Lot Here
  5. I Will Continue To Admire You And What You’ve Done To This Office
  6. I Hope The Relationship Between This Office And Me Is Not Broken Just Because I Am Leaving
  7. I Am Honored To Have Worked Here And Will Continue To Be Honored
  8. I Wish You And This Company The Best
  9. Use The  Messages for A Friend Who Is Sad
  10. Thank You For Accepting Me Here
  11. Best Of Luck For The Years To Come
  12. I’m Sure This Company Will Continue To Be Great
  13. I Can See Great Things For This Company And I Am So Sad To Leave It
  14. My Life Has Truly Been Changed By This Company, Thank You.
  15. I Am Forever Grateful For The Memories And Experience This Company Have Me.

Once you’ve done the ways on how do you tell your boss you're leaving for a new job you can finally move on to your next job without any burden whatsoever. Pay attention to the communication tips above and you will sure thrive, good luck!

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Michelle Devani
My name is Michelle Devani, and I've been helping people with their relationships since 2003. In 2017 I decided it was about time I started a blog on the topic, and since then more than 2 million people worldwide have read my relationship advice. Drop me a comment below to let me know what you think.
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