The 10-Second Text That Will Make Him Smile For Hours (How To Make His Day)

Last updated on February 6, 2025 by Michelle Devani

Are you looking for the perfect text to send your crush?

Maybe he's gone cold and you're looking to revive the conversation? 

Perhaps you know you're likely to be competing for his attention with tons of other babes?

Either way, you need to keep reading because I'm going to reveal to you the 10-second text that will make him smile for hours.

This is the text proven to put you back in the driver's seat in the race for this man's affections.

However, before I reveal what this message is, it only seems right to tell you this important personal story first. 

Recently, I learned a key aspect of male psychology, which has a substantial impact on how men feel about specific women in their lives.

It's all based on a primal trigger with the male mind called The 'Hero's Instinct'

When women can communicate or act in a way that activates this part of the male mind, he turns to putty in her hands.

I know because I have tried it myself! This is more powerful than any text message you could possibly send. 

If you're interested in learning how to flirt with men in a way that they find irresistible, I urge you to read the story of How I Discovered The 'Hero's Instinct'.

The 10-second text message revealed below takes some elements of the psychology unwrapped in this story. 

So, without further ado, let's explore how it works.


Best Texts To Send Him To Make Him Smile

I bet you love your man a lot if you want to know the secret to the 10-second text that will make him smile for hours! 

Sometimes, we just don’t have a way with words, and we wonder what the right thing to say is. This can be especially difficult when trying to create text messages since people don’t always respond right away to texts, which makes you wonder what’s going on. 

As you think about the best text to send your man, don’t forget about the other ways you can build your relationship - phone calls, visits, dates, video calls, social media posts, and good old fashioned letters - also known as snail mail.

The point is there are many things you can do to show your man how you feel and what you think of your budding relationship.

If you don’t have a way with words or just never know the right things to do or say, we’ve got you covered with this article. We have relationship advice on how to best send texts, examples of what to text your man, and much more! Are you ready? Let’s get started!

Top Tips When Sending Your Man Text Messages

1. Speak from the heart

Be honest about your feelings, and what you say will be that much more special! Tell him how happy he has made you!

2. Add some humor

Find a hilarious joke or movie line online and share it with him to start his day off the right way - with laughter.

3. Don’t write a novel

Remember, this is supposed to be a quick text for him to read before starting his day!

4. Include a sweet picture of you

Guys are visual creatures, so sending him a beautiful daily picture of you is appropriate!

5. Create the text when you’re in a good mood

Your tone will be obvious, so smile!

6. Pick an appropriate time to send the text

You may be up in the middle of the night writing the message, but don’t wake him up!

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7. Think about what you would want to hear to have an awesome day

As you write the text, smile to keep things positive.

8. Be careful not to be so mushy that you scare him off

If he hasn’t said he loves you yet, don’t use this as a means to tell him you are in love with him. This could be uncomfortable!

9. Take your time when creating the text

He doesn’t know you are going to send it, so if you need to, wait until the next day!

10. Read it over once before pressing, “Send.”

Proofreading a long text is always a good idea. You don’t want any misunderstandings!

11. Kiss your phone before you send it for good luck!

This is just a fun way to send your text with good intentions!

Examples Of What To Say To Make Him Smile

Example 1

“I just wanted you to know that I wake up each morning with you on my mind. You brighten my days, and when I’m with you, I can’t help but smile because I’m so happy. I appreciate everything you do for me. I may not always say it or show it, but I am thankful that you are in my life. You are my one true love, and I cannot wait to see you again. I miss you like crazy!”

Example 2

“Hey, handsome! I hope you have a fabulous day full of rainbows and sunshine because you deserve it! You are one of the most amazing men I’ve ever known. Your kindness and compassion have made me the happiest and luckiest girl in the world. Today, I want you to smile and know that I’m out there thinking of you. All my love to the man of my dreams!”

Example 3

“Good morning, sunshine! I was hoping to brighten your day by letting you know how much you mean to me. You have made me so happy that it’s just unreal. Every day with you is like a vacation! I’m smiling right now just thinking about you and all the fun we have together. Now, I want you to have an awesome day and know I love you with all my heart!”

Example 4

“My love, I just had to tell you that you have made a real difference in my life. When I think of you and all the fun we have with one another, I get goosebumps, and it feels like any worries or problems just wash away. Thank you so much for just being you, because, to me, you are the best, and I’m excited to spend the rest of my life with you! Have a fantastic day, love!”

How To Add Humor To Make Him Smile

1. Call him cute pet names

Research shows that using an attractive nickname may indicate that your relationship is strong! Use names you’ve never used before or that you just make up to get him to feel extra special. Pick something that relates to an aspect of your relationship. For example, if he loves to cook, call him your sexy little chef. 

2. Mention how sexy or hot he is

You can always talk dirty, but that may not be appropriate in your relationship if you haven’t taken things to that level yet. The best texts to make him smile will keep him curious and let the mystery of who you are shine with your words!

3. Add emojis, memes, or gif files that are hilarious 

This one is pretty self-explanatory. There are hundreds of these to choose from! Find something that makes you laugh, and I bet it’ll make him chuckle a little, too!

4. Remind him of an inside joke you have

This is the best way to win him over! Think about something you guys have shared and remind him how funny it is. I once had a boyfriend who said “Fleas Navidad” around Christmas, and for some reason, at the time, it was the funniest thing I had ever read. He still thinks it’s funny! Create your own joke or read about one online!


What can I text a guy to make him smile?

You should speak from the heart if you want to make him feel special like he is the only one for you. Text messages are not known for being romantic, but you can make them that way and help him fall in love with you with the right words.

How can I make him miss me badly?

Guys love it when you talk about the sexual part of your relationship. It shows him that you want him for more than the “helpful” things he does for you. You can make him feel quite special about your relationship if you speak from the heart and turn him on.

How can I make my boyfriend feel special over text?

Create text messages that show how you feel. Explain that you miss him and can’t wait until the two of you see each other again. You may want to steal a few ideas from the examples shown above to make your text message extra special. Mostly, speak from within.

What can I say to make my boyfriend smile?

Adding a bit of humor to your text messages can do the trick. If you have an inside joke, something that only makes sense to the two of you, consider referencing those. He’ll think about your relationship and how special you truly are. This will keep your romantic relationship alive.

What to text a guy to keep him thinking about you?

You will probably want to talk a little about your relationship with your text messages. Talk about the fun you have with each other. He’ll laugh or smile, and he remembers those things as well. Sometimes, the best texts to make guys smile are just very honest and fun.

To Sum Up…

When writing your 10-second text, be sure you speak from the heart. This will make your text meaningful and honest. You don’t want him to feel like you are just blowing smoke!

What advice can you offer readers on what texts to make? Have you written epic text messages?

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Michelle Devani
My name is Michelle Devani, and I've been helping people with their relationships since 2003. In 2017 I decided it was about time I started a blog on the topic, and since then more than 2 million people worldwide have read my relationship advice. Drop me a comment below to let me know what you think.

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