What To Do With Your Ex Boyfriend's Hoodie And Other Stuffs (10 Practical Things)

Last updated on January 29, 2025 by Michelle Devani

Are you wondering what to do with your ex-boyfriend's hoodie now you've broken up?

Maybe you've got other stuff of his that is even more valuable?

Perhaps you're not able to contact him about his belongings, or you just don't feel it's the right thing to do at this moment?

If so, this article will help you to decide the most appropriate thing to do with his stuff.

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This guide will focus on what to do with his stuff, so scroll down for more useful advice on that.


Here's What To Do With Your Ex Boyfriend's Hoodie And Other Stuffs

Give you his hoodie when in the rain is simply the sweetest thing a boy can do to his girl. Yet, it is another matter when you need to break up with him because of the hardship you would meet when you try to forget him. With that hoodie still on your room and his goods as well, you won't east to move on from your ex. To help you, here are what to do with your ex boyfriend's hoodie and other stuffs.

1. Toss It

Don't ever hold yourself to throw away your ex boyfriend's stuff if it only reminds you of them and makes you feel more misery. Now put on a garbage, that stuff, and also if it could be done, throw away those memories too.

2. Donate It

donate it

One of what to do with your ex boyfriend's hoodie and other stuffs is you can donate it. Such a kind-hearted woman are you!

3. Sell It

If you want some benefit neither for your heart and your pocket, post a picture in your Facebook of that hoodie and sell it. Or simply sell it on Ebay!

4. Mail It Back

This is what to do with your ex boyfriend's hoodie and other stuffs. If you still have a heart for him, then maybe just mail it back to his address. It might be a ways of to Tell If Your Ex Still Has Feelings for You After Bad Break Up

5. Give It To Your Friend

You don't need those stuffs, do you? Just give it to your friend maybe it is more useful.

6. Burn It

What to do with your ex boyfriend's hoodie and other stuffs? Just burn it, babe. He doesn't care anymore though.

7. Let It Dusty

Don't take a look of that stuff and just let it dusty in the corner of your room or under your bed.

Also check this way How to Tell Your Ex to Stop Contacting You Again.

8. Make Use Of It

What to do with your ex boyfriend's hoodie and other stuff? You should make use of it maybe you can use that hoodie to wipe up the floor or your window. Bring it on!

9. Send It To His New Girlfriend

This savage way you can try to do. Instead of wondering what are you going to do with his stuff, send it to his new girlfriend and don't forget to let her know who you are.

Also learn about: How to Break Up with Emotionally Unavailable Man

10. Keep It Safe

What to do with your ex boyfriend's hoodie and other stuff? If you don't care about him, you won't care either about his stuff that has been left at your home. Then just simply keep it safe and don't open it anymore.

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Signs You Really Need To Get Rid Of Your Ex Boyfriend's Stuff

signs you really need to get rid of your ex boyfriend's stuff

This is the signs when you really need to get rid of your ex boyfriend's stuff.

Also learn about this: Ways to Make Your Ex Miss You after Break Up

1. Smells Like Him

His hoodie sure smells like him. You should throw it away before you remember all of the memories with him.

2. Brings You Pain

His stuff only brings you pain. It is not like you have bad memories including this stuff however those good memories make you whining all day and shred your tears. Why keep something that only makes you sad?

3. Makes Harder To Move On

Looking at that stuff every day would make your way even harder to move one. That is why hurry up and toss it so you can forget him faster.

4. No Space In Your Room

His stuff just in the way especially your room already full of your own belonging. Time to sell it or donate it to people who need it more.

5. So Useless Being Here

Just being in the corner of your room his stuff is so annoying and useless. Burn it today!

More Tips To Move On From Your Ex

more tips to move on from your ex

Besides throwing away his hoodie and stuff, here are more tips to move from your ex.

You need to do: Ways to Make Your Ex Miss You after Breakup and They Regret It.

1. Make Sure To Love Yourself

First of all, you need to avoid loving someone more than love your own self. You should put you and yourself first. Live your life to the fullest until you know what is the meaning of true happiness.

2. Don't Feel Guilty

Maybe sometimes you blame yourself for what happened. No, babe, it is not your fault at all. Stop feeling guilty because you aren't!

3. Eat Healthy Food

Whining and sad all day need energy too. Make sure you eat healthy food and it's also good to bring your positives vibes and mood.

4. Don't Involve In Any Relationship For Awhile

You might think to forget your ex is by building a new relationship. However, it is not quite right and good move because you haven't changed a bit since the last one. You should reflect yourself and be better first.

5. Enjoy Life

Feel sad is fine but don't do it too long. You should value yourself and enjoy life! Make yourself busy and drown to a life full of happiness.

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Michelle Devani
My name is Michelle Devani, and I've been helping people with their relationships since 2003. In 2017 I decided it was about time I started a blog on the topic, and since then more than 2 million people worldwide have read my relationship advice. Drop me a comment below to let me know what you think.
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