Among many profession your date could possibly have, a journalist can be the most interesting one. Journalism is a broad realm of work, and it comes with its advantages.
Having a boyfriend or a girlfriend who is a journalist can expose you with new experiences. You will know a lot and learn a lot.
Here are plenty of benefits dating a journalist.
The reason for dating a journalist is as the same as why you should date an architect. They are smart. Everyone who becomes journalist have a certain level of intelligence that is admirable.
Those guys are brilliant, smart, and have interesting minds. If you're a smart person yourself, you would want a smart partner in return. As always, smart is sexy.
Sometimes smart people are shy too. You should know the signs when a smart and shy girl likes you.
Intelligence always attracts. It's normal to be attracted by smart people. Med students are also one of the examples. However, you might want to read beforehand about things you should know before dating a med student.
Being someone who works with news, your journalist boyfriend or girlfriend must stay alert on every update. It's no wonder that journalist is among the first to know when something news-worthy occurred.
This can come handy for you. You'll know who to ask when there's something you'd like to know but it's not on the news yet.
Journalists also among the most updated when a certain thing happened. And in some cases, it can be a critical situation. Especially if you do not always get expose with a news update.
Imagine if there's soon a natural disaster happened or a political riot, he or she can warn you ahead of time. Their information can be life-saving.
Your other half can also provide you with underground tips only journalists know. A journalist often investigate. He or she may know certain information that's public don't aware of or don't know yet. He might give you a tip that a musician you're a fan of is in town, specifically, in a certain hotel. This could be amazing, doesn't it?
The information provided by your journalists' beau knows no bound. You'll get tips on who to meet and where. He knows places like restaurants and bars because he happened to review them in the past.
She knows how to get a ticket to a fashion show or a concert because she covered the event. He's a good friend with celebrities because he interviews them a lot, and many more.
It's never boring to date a journalist. You guys will have so many things to talk about in a date. He's been in the war zone, for example. You can listen to his story about how the war was going and how was his experience there. It's like watching a movie, but it's a real event and you listen to real witness.
She may be an investigative journalist who uncovers a serious political scandal. You'll hear from her something that probably could only happen in Law and Order. But you can be sure that it's truly occurred because your girlfriend saw it firsthand. And most importantly, working out to bring them into the public.
However, sometimes it can be hard for them getting through this. You can always cheer them up when your boyfriend is going through a hard time.
If the guy or the girl you're dating is a star journalist, there's a big chance he's famous on media. Not just social media, but real mainstream media such as TV, newspapers, and magazines.
You often saw them giving a report on TV. You read their names alongside the article they've written or a column they work in a magazine. It's something they can be proud and you can be proud of their achievement too.
There's a big chance that a journalist is also a good writer. Especially for journalists in printed media. You'll enjoy a lot what they write because writing is a part of their education. They are trained for it so a piece of news can be well-delivered.
Some journalists are also a published author. He or she could have written a book in the past. Writers are also interesting to date, they are smart, imaginative, and intellectual people. There are many reasons to date them.
A journalist is well-traveled people. They often get sent to places far away inside and outside the country. Their experiences abound. Although you might get sad about the prospect of long-term relationship, you can be sure that they are working on an important thing. It's something you can respect about him/her.
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