What To Do When A Girl Ghosts You - Ways To Rise And Move On

Last updated on September 1, 2024 by Michelle Devani

Ghosting considered to be the fastest way to end a casual relationship. It's an act where someone disappearing without any words from the other person. If a relationship hasn't made official yet, then ghosting is pretty acceptable. Indeed, something gone wrong during the time you try to get closer to her. Most people don't expect themselves to be ghosted, so it's just normal for you not knowing what to do when a girl ghosts you.


What To Do When A Girl Ghosts You

Ghosting is a break up for a casual relationship. Even though you're not officially dating yet, you can't help but hurt when she ghosts you. Leaving someone with no explanation is rude. Thing will be better if there's closure, but ghosting is everything but closure itself.

At some point, you even find it hard to reach her, makes you wonder whether she's swallowed by the Earth or something. No need to pity yourself. Here are the things of what to do when a girl ghosts you.

1. Make Sure You're Really Ghosted

Before you get all sulky and sad, you have to make sure that you are being ghosted. If she hasn't text you back for weeks, it could that she is busy doing other things and couldn't spare her time to text you back. So it doesn't always the signs she's not interested in you anymore. As long as your message is delivered, maybe you're not being ghosted yet. You can be sure of being ghosted if she has blocked you number.

2. Call Out To Her

call out to her

Some people can't get over it before they have a closure. You may call out to her after some time she neglects you. Use any means possible--text, call, WhatsApp, Facebook. But prepare yourself for the possibility that she might not response at all.

3. Stop Trying To Contact Her

After all the things you've done to get in touch with her, you have to stop. Don't make yourself look less worthy and needy in front of her. This is where the hardest part lies. But you have to try your best to make it through.

4. Delete All Her Traces

Seeing that now she ghosted you, you have to find the ways to move on after a bad relationship. First thing is deleting all her traces, starting from the social media. Block her number, unfollow her Instagram, remove her from Facebook, and other things to make sure you're not seeing her anywhere anymore.

5. Don't Blame Yourself

For some time you must be wondering where did all go wrong. It's okay to reflect but the blame is not on you. Maybe it's just her who loves to play trick on you or never really like you at the first place.

6. She's Gone For A Reason

At some point you'll realize that you're happy she's gone. The way she ghosted you prove that she is not genuinely into you and thank God you haven't start any official relationship with her. She's indeed gone for good.

7. Talk It Out

When you think that things are too much to be handled alone, remember that there are people who got your back. Tell your best friend about what's going on and seek for peace through their words. They know all the ways to make best friend feel better and forget your sadness at once.

8. Take A Good Care Of Yourself

Life goes on after her. Start a new fresh by taking a good care of yourself. Don't let her ruin your life. Get busy, mind your look, and live your life better. It's how you can have a sweet revenge later on.

9. Have A Laugh

have a laugh

After a period of shock and sadness, you come to think that it's not worthy to cry out her unexplained leave like that. The way she left you with no matter deserve a laugh. Laugh for yourself that you have been saved from her and laugh as the ways to love yourself and be happy with the world.

10. Move On And Let Go

You're not dating yet but yes, you need to move on. Let everything go and accept that this is how it ended. It could take time but make sure you are moving on. And don't let this traumatized you. It's okay to be careful but don't close your heart.

Reasons She Ghosted You

In case you're wondering why are you being ghosted, here are several reasons that make her does so.

1. She's Dating Someone Else

It sucks but it's the biggest possibility among all. This makes sense if you meet her through social media platform. In real life, she's seeing someone else already.

2. She's Busy With Her Life For Real

Not everyone who said that they want to focus on their life are telling lies. She could genuinely busy with life so that it takes her days until she can drive her attention to you. As it takes her long to reply, the awkwardness is undeniable and she chooses not to text you back.

3. She Thinks You're Too Slow

Texting is good but you can't rely only on texting to get close to her. She could be get bored only texting you everyday without any real moves. If you really want to get close to her, ask for a meeting.

4. You're Too Strong

you're too strong

If she ghosts you after several meetings, you could've done something that makes her turned off on you. Maybe you're way too flirtatious and come out as needy person for her. Nobody like it. She could've want someone more independent and capable to be counted on. You need to learn the ways to flirt without coming on too strong.

Being ghosted hurt, but you need to get grip of the reality soon. Moving on and let go are what to do when a girl ghosts you. You must show her what she's been missing and you might be able to make her come back to you!

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Michelle Devani
My name is Michelle Devani, and I've been helping people with their relationships since 2003. In 2017 I decided it was about time I started a blog on the topic, and since then more than 2 million people worldwide have read my relationship advice. Drop me a comment below to let me know what you think.
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