What To Say To Your Boyfriend On Your 5 Month Anniversary

Last updated on February 7, 2025 by Michelle Devani

Are you wondering what to say to your special man on your 5-month anniversary?

It's a weird milestone, so it can be hard to express how you're feeling.

Nevertheless, it is a milestone worth acknowledging. 

That's why I have created a list of ideas to help you find some nice words to say. 

But before we explore this list, it's important for you to read the following sentences carefully. 

I never used to be able to keep a man in my life for more than a few months. Most were gone in a matter of weeks. 

For years, I had no idea what I was doing to make them tire of me so quickly. 

Then, I began my journey into understanding male psychology. 

It was at this time that I began to read about an aspect of the male mind called 'The Hero's Instinct'

This deeply primal psychological trigger plays a huge role in determining how men feel about the women in their life. 

When a woman can learn how to activate it, this can release all sorts of tremendously intense emotions in a man's mind. Power. Purpose. Joy. Love. All of the things they want from a loving relationship. 

Needless to say, he becomes a lot closer to the woman who can make him feel this way. 

It turned my love life around - and it can do the same for you. If you want to experience a deeper more emotional relationship with the special man in your life, read my personal account of how I discovered the 'Hero's Instinct'

It's a great tool to attract men into your life if you're single too. 

With that said, let's dive deeper into my list of things you can say to your boyfriend on your 5-month anniversary.


91 Things To Say To Your Boyfriend On Your 5 Month Anniversary

Things To Say To Your Boyfriend On Your 5 Month Anniversary

It’s gone by like a breeze, but what do you know! It’s been five months since you agreed to start a relationship with this guy that you love so much. Congrats to you and your boyfriend on your 5-month anniversary.

It is not uncommon to find yourself short of words to express exactly how this day makes you feel. If the past months have been particularly eventful, it may feel like all has been said already. However, an occasion this special shouldn’t go unmarked like a regular day.

Your man deserves some sweet-loving (messages) on your 5-month anniversary, and a little block on your end shouldn’t deprive him of that. So, if you’re thinking of what to say to your boyfriend on your 5 month anniversary, here are 91 samples that should guide you.

  1. “I can’t believe it’s been five months already! Happy anniversary my king.”
  2. “Thank you for always having my back. You have no idea how much you’ve come to mean to me in these 5 months. Happy anniversary!”
  3. “I know it’s only been a few months, but will you do me the honor of getting my coffee? Ha-ha. Happy sweet anniversary babe.”
  4. “Six months ago, I probably wouldn’t have believed I’d find a soul mate and best friend in one person – you. It all still feels surreal whew!
  5. “Just when I was starting to think the universe hated me, she brought me you <3.”
  6. “I am a huge fan of our love story. Joyeux anniversaire mon bébé!
  7. “Happy 5 month anniversary to the piece of me I didn’t know was missing. I love you so much.”
  8. “Happy five-month anniversary, honey. I hope this feeling I get when I think of you remains till our fifth year and beyond. This relationship means everything and more to me.”
  9. “The universe really has the best gift ideas. I wanted true love, a best friend, and a ride or die, and she gave me YOU. Happy anniversary my all-in-one.”
  10. “You’re the kindest, smartest, most thoughtful man, and more. Although now I’m not so sure about the smart since you stuck with me for five whole months. What do you say we give another dumb stint a try?”
  11. “I feel like I have everything just because we have each other. Happy anniversary, my love.”
  12. “Sending one happy thought your way for each time you’ve made me smile in these five months. Get ready for a happy-fest! Happy anniversary, boyfriend.”
  13. “I don’t know what else to say other than the fact that I’m super-grateful for the gift of you. And also that I’m proud to call you my boyfriend.”
  14. “It’s been five wholesome months of love, laughs, and adventure! I never want this to end. I love you so much!”
  15. “I know relationships aren’t exactly my strong suit, but these past five months have been so beautiful that I can’t imagine my life without you now. Happy anniversary, love.”
  16. “Happy Anniversary! I don’t know how I got so lucky to get a guy like you, but I’m grateful every single day.”
  17. “Thanks for giving me something to look forward to every day these past months. Can’t wait to see what the future has in store for us. Let the countdown to the sixth begin!”
  18. “I’m glad my friend dragged me to that coffee shop [six] months ago. Happy anniversary sugar.”
  19. “Our love fills me with hope for the future. Who knew all I had to do to be this happy was say yes?”
  20.  “It’s been five months, and everything still feels so new with you. I can’t wait to unravel the mystery that is [his name].”
  21. “How are we only just celebrating our 5 month anniversary, and it feels like we’ve been partners for a lifetime?”
  22. “My favorite person in the world. The rhythm of my beating heart. Happy anniversary to us, my king.”
my favorite person in the world
  1. “You are the light on my path. I’ll go on any adventure as long as I get to be with you. You, my dear, are love to me. Happy anniversary.”
  2. “I woke up to your text. It’s perfect, and a million reasons I love you just grew by one.”
  3. “It’s our anniversary Sugar! Thank you for giving me so much more love and affection than I thought possible!!!”
  4. “There are many ways to express why I love you, but none is as pleasantly selfish as how much joy you bring to my life. For five months now, you have been the reason I wake up with a smile on my face. Happy anniversary, baby.”
  5. “I look forward to mornings now because nothing compares to real life with you. According to my calendar, it’s been like that for five months!”
  6. “Five months together, and you didn’t know I was crazy about someone? Except you do! It’s always been you dummy.”
  7. “How we went from a couple of weirdos to a couple will never not be funny to me. It’s been five months, baby! And many more years to come”
  8. “You’re always welcome, darling. No need to thank me for the gift of me. 😉”
  9. “Only the best for my favorite man. Name anything you want today, and it’s yours.”
  10. “Can’t say I haven’t thought about the possibility of moving too fast but so what if we are? This one life is all we’ve got, and I’ll be damned if I let some unwritten rules delay my happiness for one more second.”
  11. “Is it ridiculous that I’m this excited on a 5-month anniversary?” Nah, every day with you is special and deserves to be celebrated.”
  12. “I’ve never had a five-month anniversary before. This is yet another first with you, Mr [his name].”
  13. “You are such a lucky guy! Tell me again what it’s like dating me. Happy anniversary, boyfriend 😊”
  14. “Happy anniversary, boyfriend! Where have you been all my life?”
  15. “I could be having the worst day, and one look at your face would make everything feel right again. One person shouldn’t wield so much power and so effortlessly… I am so in love with you!”
  16. “You and I go together like Bonnie and Clyde. Happy five months together, partner in crime!”
  17. “I can’t think of a better way to use every single minute I’ve spent getting to know you. Asking you on that coffee date might just be my best decision yet!”
  18. “I should probably write a book on ‘how to catch a catch’ because I definitely struck gold with you. Ah.”
  19. “Can’t wait for our first anniversary, so I can finally tell you I’ve been sure about us since day 1.”
  20. “Happy anniversary! Thank you for loving me so completely, quirks and all.”
  21. “Based on how huge a crush I had on you, I was honestly convinced it would fade after I got some. Boy was I wrong. It’s been five months, and I’m still nuts about you! 
  22. “It feels so great to be in a relationship with someone I don’t have to take off my crown for. Happy anniversary your Highness.”
it feels so great to be in a relationship with someone i don't have to take off my crown for
  1.  “Meh. You’re okay, I guess. Happy anniversary!”
  2. “My sisters and friends are jealous of us, so that’s how I know we must be doing something right. Happy fifth-month anniversary, honey.”
  3. “Happy anniversary, best guy! I can’t wait to get rich so I can spoil you to my heart’s content.”
  4. “You know if we keep this up, they just might name this day the ‘world's love day’ in a couple of months?”
  5. “Cupid must have been working overtime on the day we met because I just can’t help but think about the many ways we could have missed each other.”
  6. “Something about the moment I get to breathe the same air as you again makes my heart skip a bit. Happy anniversary, my love!
  7. “It’s the way everything feels so effortless with you for me. It’s almost as if we were made for one another. Like we were meant to be.”
  8. “Mark my words today, babe. I’m not going to mess this up, I promise.”
  9. “Just got your gifts. I love them, but you didn’t have to do all of that. You already gave me the best gift by being mine.”
  10. “Roses are red, violets are blue, it’s been five months, and we’re still glued.”
  11. “First, I loved the idea of us, then I got to experience it and found the real thing was way better. Cheers to five more months with you and the five after that.”
  12. “Five months might seem small or insignificant, but it’s plenty enough for me to know what my heart wants. It’s been you, it still is, and always will be. Happy anniversary to the man of my heart.”
  13. “Days go by so fast with you, yet I feel like I haven’t lived a life so full until now. Happy anniversary to you and me us, darling.”
  14. “You make me come alive in the most amazing way. That will always top the list of my favorite things about you. Happy anniversary, baby.”
  15. “I don’t know why it took me this long to realize, but I totally do now. I love you, [Sam]. Looks like it’s going to be a happy anniversary for us today.
  16. “It took me five months to spell a four-letter word and put it in a three-word sentence. I love you. But ah, who am I kidding? We both know you didn’t fall in love with me for my speed.”
  17. “Curious as I am, I don’t ever want to know the ending to our beautiful story. Happy monthiversary baby.”
  18. “Happy Anniversary from your biggest fan. Team us for life!”
  19. “I can’t imagine going through the last few months without you in my life. The universe really has her ways.”
  20. “I want to shout on the rooftops about how so in love with you I am. But a part of me also wants to keep this private as long as I can because people ruin beautiful things.”
  21. “This day reminds me of how great it felt to start this five months ago. So much that I wish I could go back in time to relive it.”
this day reminds me of how great it felt to start this five months ago
  1. “All I want to do today is kiss you, cuddle and show you how much I love you in every way I know how. Happy anniversary boyfriend!
  2. “When I’m with you, it just feels right. There’s no one else I’d rather do this life thing with. Happy five monthiversary to us!” 
  3. “Happy anniversary to the one who gets the true me and knows all my buttons.”
  4. Milestones are nice, and anniversaries remind us of how far we’ve come, but every day with you is a celebration.”
  5. “You sweep me off my feet just by existing. I don’t get it either, this love is strong.”
  6. “I knew we were going places the day I shared my chocolate with you and didn’t feel heartbroken afterward. Five months in, forever to go, hopefully.”
  7. “It’s only been five months, and it feels like I’ve been happy forever. You did that, and I love you so much for it.”
  8. Here are a few things you can achieve in five months: coding, speaking French, and becoming the luckiest man in the world. Although that makes it two for other guys because there’s only one me, and I’m all yours.”
  9. “Slowly but surely, we’re getting there, baby. We made five months, and we’ll see even more joyful months, I pray.”
  10. “Ultimately, my favorite thing about this day is how it marks the beginning of the continuance of our relationship.”
  11. “Statistically, the dating honeymoon phase spans three months, it’s been five months, and I feel like we’ve barely started.”
  12. “I don’t know what’s more awe-inspiring, the fact that I manage to put up with you or that you do me? Who cares? It’s our anniversary!”
  13. “Happy fifth month-versary with the hottest thing of mine that walks.”
  14. “Happy anniversary to the man I love! Yes, I said it. I love you.”
  15. “On that Friday evening after work, we made a casual decision to see how it goes. It’s funny how just that five months later, it’s become the most important decision of my life. Thank you for taking that step with me. Happy anniversary.”
  16. “I knew it was love when I imagined your cute bum wrinkled and still felt a tinge of butterflies in my belly. I want to grow old with you.”
  17. “Still funny how an internet challenge on an app I barely open brought you, the love of my life, to me. It didn’t help me keep you for five months though, so I still deserve my accolades.”
  18. “I could never get tired of watching you smile. You don’t know how much joy it brings me to be able to say I did that. Happy anniversary, boyfriend!”
  19. “Am I crazy, or does your calendar say we’ve been in this relationship for five months? How? How???”
  20. “You deserve everything good in this life because you make me smile. Happy anniversary my love.”
  21. “I’ve dreamt of meeting and being with you for so many years. You know me better than most people, so you’ll understand how hard it is for me to admit that these five months have been better than my imagination. Happy anniversary partner!”
  22. “You make me want to do better. Not just for you or our relationship, but for myself. I guess what I’m saying is that your love for me makes me want to be a better person.”
  23. “Happy anniversary, boyfriend! From your two favs – me and my brown eyes.”
happy anniversary, boyfriend
  1. “For the past five months, I have tried to the best of my abilities to show you just what you mean to me. I am not tired, and I’d like to put in even more effort to let you know how much I love you, for as long as you’ll have me. Happy anniversary, my favorite boyfriend.”
  2. “Happy anniversary to the best boyfriend a girl could ask for. Thank you for always catching me when I fall.”
  3. “The best thing about today is I will still feel this way tomorrow. Happy anniversary, lover!”


What do you say to your boyfriend on your anniversary?

You’re allowed to let yourself go and be as mushy as you want with your boyfriend on your anniversary. Dig into how much you love him and how he makes you laugh. Think about where you two are coming from, how happy he makes you, how he makes your heart feel, and tell him about it in your own words.

What is the most romantic saying?

There’s no single most romantic saying, but if there were, it would be the one you and your boyfriend connect to the most. A line that tugs at not just your heartstrings as you tell him, but evidently affects him in the most vulnerable yet beautiful way. In other words, the most romantic saying is subjective for different couples.

What to say to your bf to make him cry?

If you’re trying to make your boyfriend cry because of something you said, these samples can only be a guide. Draw from some of the emotional moments you’ve had together and the future you hope to have with him. Then paint him a picture of those times using your words. Don’t be afraid of being vulnerable as that’s your best bet of breaking through his defenses.

How can I make him miss me badly?

Less is more when you are trying to make someone miss you. Make yourself less available to him by not being the first person to call or text, and don’t respond right away when he reaches out. Go out and live your life when you’re apart, so he sees he isn’t the only thing you have going on. Finally, put some effort into your look when you’re likely to see him. 

How can I praise my boyfriend?

Men love compliments about their body, dress sense, personality, intelligence, sexual prowess, how hard they work, etc. If you want to praise your boyfriend in a way he’s bound to love the most, you can use any of the qualities above. At the end of the day, we all just want to feel seen and appreciated.

On That Note

Love is a beautiful thing and milestones like this anniversary help us stop and think about how far we’ve come. I hope you found what you were looking for in this article and that you enjoyed every minute you spent reading it. If you loved it or you don’t mind sharing the lines that work on your boyfriend best, kindly leave a comment and share the post. Thanks.

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Michelle Devani
My name is Michelle Devani, and I've been helping people with their relationships since 2003. In 2017 I decided it was about time I started a blog on the topic, and since then more than 2 million people worldwide have read my relationship advice. Drop me a comment below to let me know what you think.

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