If you’re only interested in making him cry, read on for my list of emotional quotes.
121 Things To Say To Your Boyfriend To Make Him Cry
If a lady communicates her feelings to her boyfriend, she'll feel special if her words make him cry. Her heart will melt with joy, knowing she could express herself and get an emotional response.
But knowing what to say to your boyfriend, that would actually make him cry can be very challenging.
There are several statements to say to your boyfriend to make him cry, in a good way – but you have to be willing to search within. If you're having a hard time doing that, then I’m here to help.
I wrote this article to help you with the right words to say to your boyfriend if you desperately want him to know if his emotions are coming from his heart.
There are up to 121 examples below. You can use them as a guide to creating love messages, and we're confident it'll leave your boyfriend astonished.
The pages of my life were colorless, and there was no music in it. Not until I met you, and everything changed.
Sometimes, it feels so untrue. It feels like I'm in my fairytale or a dream. I can't imagine that I'm yours, and you're mine. Thanks for making this union work.
My love for you is more than love; it's an addiction. I look at photos of you when you're gone and read past messages to feel your presence.
I feel protected in your arms. We can take on the world together, and nothing can stop us.
Every day opens up another page of our beautiful story. We have the pen in our hands, let's write something beautiful.
You're more than just my boyfriend; you're my best friend. You're always there when I need you the most, and I can always count on you.
My life was empty before I knew you, but loving you gave me hope. It gave me a reason to keep living, and I'll keep on doing that.
There's a clear difference between the way my life was without you and how it is now. My life is better now, all because of you.
We're so alike; we have the same synergy. You can understand my emotions the same way I can understand yours, and that's magical.
There were a million things you did to make me fall in love with you. But even without those things, I'd still love you.
There's a small list of things I love doing more than anything. But lying on your chest, listening to your heartbeat, and gazing at the stars with you top the list.
Being with you keeps me motivated to chase my dreams. You're keeping me motivated to be a better person. You're my inspiration, and I'm striving to make you proud of me.
The most beautiful thing about being with you is that I can be myself. I don't have to fake it; everything comes naturally. I don’t doubt for a second that you’re my true love.
I miss staring deep into your eyes because they warm me up and make me feel safe. I miss holding your arms and cuddling you up. I wish you were here with me.
I've never felt so complete with anyone before. You make my life feel like a fairytale. I'm mesmerized by the affection you've shown me. Thanks for loving me.
You treat me like a queen, even when I'm not. You may not have bought the most expensive gifts, but the love you've given me is more expensive than anything you can buy.
You're a part of me that I can't replace. I love you with everything that's within me. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and I pray nothing separates us.
I want to build my life with you. I want to grow old with you, have kids, and spend the rest of my life with you. It's something that I crave to do with you.
Hearing your voice is the most beautiful part of my day. Getting to see your face brings me so much joy. I love you, and I want you by my side always.
You're more than just my boyfriend and lover; you're my prince charming. I fall for you every second, and you make me know I'm special. Thanks for loving me.
Every time I'm with you, I get butterflies in my stomach. I'm slowly losing my mind because of you. You've shown me a different type of love that I've never experienced before.
Thinking of your love gives me the strength to fight for another day. I don't want to be separated from you. I want you forever and always.
You showed me what it means to enjoy life truly. Now, I can tell my life truly has meaning.
Being around you is worth more than I can write in words. There's joy, happiness, and the true definition of love. I want to spend my days with you.
You make many sacrifices for me, and that's how I know your confessions of love for me are real. Thanks for always being there for me.
I've seen the way you take care of my family. I may not always say, "thank you," but I'm more than grateful. I love you more every second for this.
My life was empty without you. I had no purpose, and everything seemed meaningless. But when I found you, you efficiently completed me.
The truth is, I'm not just in love with you, but you're the love of my life.
There are scenarios where everything feels frozen in time. I can feel your breath on my skin and hear your heartbeat loud and clear. I love you.
Most times, I pray for moments to last forever. I want it to be like a never-ending fairytale where everything is perfect. I want to be by your side forever.
I want to be stuck in time with you. Travel the world and feel free of burdens. I want to love you until I have no more love to give.
There are a few things that make me happy, and you're one of them. I want to stay by your side until we can't hold each other any longer.
I don't want to have any reason to be separated from you. Most days, when I'm down, you're the person who's there to pick me up.
You're calm and patient with me, and that's what I love about you. To me, it's not just about everything you've done for me, but about how amazing you are.
You're amazing! Even though I gave you a million reasons to leave, you always looked for a valid reason to stay with me. I love you even more for that.
There's never a time I'm not thinking of you. You're a part of my forever. You live in my heart, and I want to be with you until my last breath.
The sun shines and gives me more reason to be happy with you. Knowing I can spend my life with you is more than enough for me.
I love that you haven't given up on me. For me, that's the truest definition of love. I've fallen in love with you and we’re in this for life.
You know someone is in love when they're willing to sacrifice their all. You're ready to give the world for me, and that's how I know you’re my true love.
The fear of losing you has given me the willpower to fight for us even more. I want to pause every moment with you and enjoy it like it was the last.
There's something unique about you. You don't just make me happy, but you make me know I'm special. I'm grateful to have you by my side.
Our connection isn't like anything I've ever seen. It's more impressive than I can imagine. We're two different people, yet we know how to sync so effortlessly.
Every stage in our relationship came with a glimmer of fear and hope. I was afraid to make a move, but you gave me hope of something worth fighting for at the end of the day.
The stars shining in the sky remind me of nights by your side. I've never felt this way about anyone until you.
From being so different, we grew inseparable. From managing the distance, we got addicted to each other's company. There's no better place than beside you.
Most of the most cherished events in life come unplanned. Thankfully, you're one of them. I adore the day you became a part of my life.
Your actions towards me are too good to be true. You're not just my boyfriend; you're an angel sent from heaven to be by my side.
I can't explain my love for you. I can't give you the exact reason why I love you; I just do. That's how I know it's pure and genuine. You make me smile and laugh. Being with you is so effortless. You make my life more radiant than it used to. Anytime I hear your voice, it rings a melody in my soul. It reminds me of why I love you so much.
I can't explain some things in life, and my undying love for you is one of them. I love you more than I can understand. Whenever we're apart, nothing feels the same. Being by your side is my definition of living. You're my source of motivation.
Sometimes I ask myself how my life would have been if we never met you. But I don't want to imagine a life where you're not by my side.
I don't want to fight with you because I'm afraid of losing you. I don't know how I'd survive, knowing you weren't by my side.
You're not just my boyfriend. You complete me and keep me going every day. You're my best friend, lover, companion, motivator, and much more.
Your love has taken over every part of my heart. My heart is encapsulated with emotions, leaving no space for anyone else. Everything I have, and I am, is for you.
I wouldn't replace you with anyone else. I wouldn't trade our memories for the most priced ornaments. I don't want to be with any other person except for you.
You're not like everyone else. You have a golden heart that radiates effortlessly. You care for me so selfishly, and I love you for being that way.
You support me in the littlest ways. You know how to keep me motivated. Thanks for being my inspiration. Thanks for loving and never giving up on me.
I'm forever grateful that you gave me this opportunity to experience love like this. It made me a different person. I'm a better person because of you.
You don't find reasons to criticize or judge me. You love me for who I am, and that's what makes you an exceptional person. Thanks for showing me unconditional love.
You're the only one for me. You understand me even without words. You created a peculiar synergy with me, and that's why I love you so much.
I love you more than the fishes love water and more than birds love flying. Words can't express the extent of my love for you.
I want us to build our love story in a way that our kids will look up to us. Let's live our lives showing others what love really is.
Love is more than mere words; it's something that demands expression. You've shown me both the written and expressed part of love, and I'm forever grateful.
Spending time with you is a breath of fresh air. I feel alive more than ever, and I have more energy to keep going. I don't want ever to be apart from you.
I was scared of getting close to you. I didn't know what the future held for both of us. But now, I'm eternally grateful to have you in my life.
Looking at you makes me happy. Being around you gives me a sense of living. I want to spend my days being by your side. That's how I'll genuinely enjoy my life.
I've always wondered what true love is, and I'm grateful that I got to experience that with you. You're an essential part of my life.
I love holding your hands, being cuddled by you, and being by your side. Everything about you makes my heart pound for joy.
We're far from perfect. We make mistakes all the time. But together, we make love worth trying.
Trying to count everything I love about you is like trying to count the stars in the sky. It would be impossible.
When I look into your eyes, all I can see is love. It gives me confidence that our love will stand the test of time. That perhaps, we'll be together forever.
We might be millions of miles apart, but nobody can set the love in our hearts apart. You're closer to me than you know it. You're in my mind and my heart.
I think about you all the time and envision you're with me. Pictures and memories of you flood my mind even when I don't want it to linger. I love you more than anything.
You give me peace and comfort. I know everything will turn out fine when I'm beside you. Your love is all I need to confirm this.
You put me before you all the time. You cater to my needs like they're yours. You're my prince charming; I love you.
You're the man of my dreams—the one I always imagined falling in love with someday. You're one of a kind, and I want to spend my life with you.
You don't take my love for granted. You can go to any lengths to prove your affection for me. You're everything I always wanted.
I never knew fairytales existed until I found myself in one. You made my life feel like a dream, and I don't want to wake up from this one.
There's nothing more beautiful than waking up and knowing that someone loves you. It's enriching and gives me the energy I need throughout the day.
I don't have to remind myself that I love you. I feel it every time I look into your eyes. It's something I can't ignore, and I love you more than you know.
My love for you grows every day. There's never a day I feel less love for you. I only want us to grow as a couple.
We spend hours together, and it feels like seconds. Time with you isn't time wasted. I could spend an eternity with you.
I can't dream of being separated from you because I know I can't survive without you. You're my oxygen and part of the reason why I can get through my day.
Loving you has been one of the best things that happened to me. It gave me a reason to feel alive, and I'm proud I got to experience something like this.
There has never been a time that I regretted loving you. I hope I find new reasons to be proud that you're my boyfriend.
There's always a reason to smile when I'm with you. You make me happy, and I'm glad I can spend my life with you.
I pray that everything stays beautiful between us. I don't want us ever to have a reason to be apart. Let's keep loving one another.
Time loses value when I'm with you. I want to spend all my time with you without caring what the future may hold. I want to be with you always and forever.
We grow more similar each day. It's not because we spend a lot of time together, but because we're both making sacrifices to see each other happy.
You mean a lot to me. You're a part of me that I can't let go of ever. Losing you will be like losing myself.
I can't explain how we've been together for so long. Everyone thought we'd fall apart, but we're still standing strong. Our love has broken many expectations.
Our love for each other gets stronger by the day. We've conquered so many challenges, and it has brought us closer than we imagined. We have to keep holding on.
Loving you is like breathing. It's something I can't do without. I want to stay by your side because it's the only thing that keeps me happy.
Nothing is more important than seeing you happy. I'm ready to make sacrifices and go to any limits to ensure that our love survives.
You're more important to me than you know. You add essence to my life and make everything more vibrant. I can't live without you.
The connection we have is peculiar. When I look at you, I see how similar we've gotten. We're a match made in heaven, and nothing can separate us.
If anyone has been through what we've been through, their love would have faded. But our passion has faced all obstacles and triumphed.
Good morning to the man with my heart. I have a lot of sweet things to say. I'll narrow it down to the fact that I love you, and nothing can change the way I feel.
I would never leave you for someone else. I love the way you are, and I would never try to change you. I always want you to remember that.
This note is a letter to my boyfriend, the love of my life. I would have written love paragraphs to express how I feel, but I'll keep everything short by saying, I love you so much.
Good morning to the best boyfriend in the world. I have so many sweet things to say but know that I always want you by my side, and nothing can tear us apart.
This note is a love letter to the one that has my heart. You make me feel loved, and I find reasons to fall in love with you all the time.
The first time I met you, I never expected things to get serious. I never expected to fall in love with you. This note is a love letter to let you know I feel loved, and I'm happy I met you.
If I were asked to write a letter to my boyfriend, I would think of all the cute things to say. I would write love paragraphs of how I can't survive without him.
Being with you reminds me so much of the first time we met. Things have grown since then. I've learned to love you for the beautiful man you are.
If I could write love messages to you, I'll tell you how great of a man to you. I have many cute things to say, but the most important is that you mean the world to me.
I can't explain how one man can take over my heart. You're the best thing that ever happened to me. No one in the world can get me to feel the way you do.
I'd feel bad if I had to live in this world without you. You complete me. My heart can't explain it, but it longs to be with you every second.
Words can't communicate what my heart is feeling. You've never given me a reason to shed tears. You're the kind of man people dream of having.
My heart can't contain the emotions any longer. You're the man of my dreams, and I love you more than anything in this world.
I have the best boyfriend in the world, and I'm not afraid to speak it out loud. You're one of a kind.
The world is a better place because you're in it. You make me so happy.
I wouldn't trade being with you for anything else. My heart can't contain all the affection you give to me.
If my heart could speak, it'll say it's overwhelmed by the love you shower on it.
I'm grateful that I got a boyfriend that doesn't make me feel sad but gives me reasons to laugh.
Being with you brings joy to my heart. I can't explain how great you are as a boyfriend.
If I had to do this all again, my heart would still choose you.
You're everything I ever needed in a boyfriend. You're charming and sweet at the same time. I'd be sad if we ever had to split up. I can't imagine losing you my lover and best friend.
Please don't ever think of leaving me. You're the only thing keeping me going.
My heart longs for you each day. Being away from you is too much to handle.
I pray that we keep fighting for what our heart wants. Being with you is all that matters to me. I don't want anything else.
There's nothing I want more than being with you for eternity. I don't want ever to lose you.
What can make a man cry?
What can make him cry includes seeing his bride walking down the aisle, reading a touching message from someone he loves, witnessing the birth of his child, watching the perfect movie, listening to his best song, or something sad like the death of someone close. Any of these could bring him to tears.
How can I make my boyfriend feel special with words?
An example of things to say to your boyfriend to make him cry include telling him how your relationship with him has changed your life, how you never want to lose him, or how you hope the two of you stay together forever. You can also tell him about some of his exceptional qualities.
What to say to a man to make him miss you?
If you want him to miss you, then you have to remind him of how great things were before both of you parted. Tell him about the good times and how his presence made you feel. You should also give him something to expect so that he would anticipate reuniting with you.
Why do guys cry when they come?
Coming releases sexual tension in a pleasant and calming manner. It requires a little bit of effort, but the aftermath is worth it. Piling up a lot of emotions or sexual tension can make him cry when he comes. Releasing it will make the tears flow and further help him cool off.
Do guys cry over a girl they like?
If a guy loves a girl, he will shed tears if he loses her. If their relationship was strong and separation occurs, it will break him. If he has deep feelings for her, but she doesn't reciprocate it, this can also bring him to tears. Anything that keeps him away from the woman he loves will make him feel bad.
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To Conclude
Did you like this article on things to say to your boyfriend to make him cry? Remember that the best method to communicate how you feel is to pour your heart out. Make sure you feel every word and mean it sincerely. Kindly leave a comment below if you liked this article, and share it with your friends.
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My name is Michelle Devani, and I've been helping people with their relationships since 2003. In 2017 I decided it was about time I started a blog on the topic, and since then more than 2 million people worldwide have read my relationship advice. Drop me a comment below to let me know what you think.