231 Things To Say To Express Your Love To Your Boyfriend

Last updated on February 8, 2025 by Michelle Devani

Do you love your boyfriend so much that words can't express it?

Or maybe you're just the kind of woman who doesn't know the appropriate words to say to a romantic partner? 

Perhaps you're not comfortable expressing yourself like this?

If so, you have nothing to worry about. There are lots of people who feel this way. This guide is here to give you a helping hand to give you the words to say to express your love to a boyfriend. 

But, let's begin with an extremely relevant and important story.

In my early years of dating, I was feeling strong feelings for guys that were unrequited. 

I was doing everything I could to be a great girlfriend, but I could never keep the attention of these guys for more than a handful of dates.

It turned out I had no idea how to connect with the part of a man’s mind, which builds lasting romantic connections. 

That all changed when I started researching a part of the male mind called the ‘Hero’s Instinct’. 

This is a primal area of the male brain, which makes all the difference when it comes to attraction. Once you understand how it works, you can learn how to make a man OBSESS over you.

If you want to learn more about how I turned this part of my love life around - and how you can do the same - click to read my personal story.

This knowledge can turn your romantic fortunes around, yet it would appear that there’s a shortage of women who understand this aspect of male psychology. 

So, I’d urge you to take that leap and learn how the ‘Hero’s Instinct’ works.

With that said, let’s take a deeper look at some specific words you can say to your special man.


What To Say To Express Your Love To Your Boyfriend

When you’re searching for things to say to express your love to your boyfriend, it can be hard to find the perfect thing. You love him so much, and you want the ideal words that express that. It doesn’t matter whether you’ve done your makeup, bought him a surprise gift, and are ready to deliver those words, if they aren’t the perfect words the gesture will fall flat. The same applies to a surprise text about how much he means to you. 

These sweet words are guaranteed to make his heart skip a beat. They are the perfect words to let him know just how much he means to you. Tell him how much you appreciate him, and how happy he makes you, with these words to remind him of how special he is to you. 

1. I can’t imagine what life would be like without you by my side.

2. You’re the first thing that I think of every morning when I wake up.

3. I appreciate everything that you do.

Appreciation goes a long way in relationships. If you say this one, it lets your boyfriend know that those little things he does don’t go unnoticed. That makes them all more perfect if you’re searching for romantic things to say to your boyfriend.

4. I love you for always

5. Thank you for always having love in your heart when I am not that lovable.

6. Every time that I’m with you, I feel like I’m on top of the world.

When the time you spend together is pure bliss. Sometimes, words that seem like sweet nothings are the perfect ones to say to your boyfriend. 

7. I can’t seem to get enough of you.

8. You’re the definition of love itself.

9. I always try to be the best that I can be because you deserve the best.

Let him know how hard you’re trying, and that you think he’s amazing. Sometimes, romantic things to say to your boyfriend don’t have to be poetic. They simply have to be meaningful.

10. Thank you for (insert something he did, such as the dishes).

11. Just hearing your voice makes my day brighter.

12. No one can love me better than you do.

Sometimes, there is nothing as good as the way that they love us back. When you’re trying to pick the perfect words to say to your boyfriend, imagine the way that he makes you feel every day. 

13. I love having you as a bestie.

14. You feel like home.

15. Every time my heart beats it’s a constant reminder that you are in there.

This is so sweet it will give him a toothache.

16. You make the problems in my life disappear simply by being you.

17. I never wanted to get old until I realized that I would get to do it with you.

18. You have no idea how strong my love is for you.

There’s nothing wrong with a little reminder to tell him how much you love him.

19. Every night, when I say my prayers, I thank God for sending me someone as wonderful as you.

20. Even if I could change anything about you, I wouldn’t change a single thing.

21. I never knew how nice it is to love and be loved until I found you.

When your boyfriend brings you peace, let him know.

22. It’s not possible for me to love you any more than I already do.

23. I’d do anything to see your sexy smile.

24. You’re my sunshine.

Perfect if you know a guy named Sonny!

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25. You make all of my stress fade away.

you make all of my stress fade away

26. There’s something so sweet about the way that your lips feel when they kiss mine.

27. I would do anything in the world for you.

Make sure that he knows how special he is to you with this text.

28. Every day is like falling in love with you all over again.

29. Life is more beautiful when you’re in it.

30. Tell him a wonderful story from your early dating days.

Telling your boyfriend a story about when the two of you first started dating can be romantic or funny, whichever one you’re going for.

31. I’m beyond grateful for your very existence.

32. I’m so proud of you baby.

33. I love having such an incredible man by my side.

This lets your boyfriend know that you appreciate him, and you’re grateful to have him with you.

34. There’s no one else that can make me smile when I’m sad the way that you can.

35. The moment I fell in love with you, I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you.

36. You can make everything better with a single hug.

This is perfect for those rough days when he just wraps his arms around you.

37. You’re so charming it’s still hard to believe that you’re real.

38. I miss you so much.

39. I think of you every day my love.

This is both short and sweet, making it the perfect text.

40. I love how sweet and sensitive you really are.

41. There’s nothing I want in this world more than I want you.

42. I’m so happy because I have you.

We can all do a little more to verbalize how happy our partners make us.

43. You pick out the most amazing presents.

44. You’re mine forever.

45. We belong together.

When no one else quite fits in your life as he does.

46. Ever since I met you, I want to chase every dream that I have.

47. I treasure every single minute that I get to spend with you, even if we’re just talking on the phone.

48. Thank you for always having all the answers.

When you’re looking for something to say to your boyfriend, this one is it if he’s always your knight in shining armor.

49. Someday, we’ll finally be able to see each other again. I dream about it every night in my sleep.

50. You’re the good in a world that is full of evil.

youre the good in a world that is full of evil

51. You’re truly my better half.

Remind your boyfriend that he’s amazing with this simple statement.

52. You’re my soulmate.

53. I want to learn everything possible about you.

54. It made my life so much better the day that our paths crossed.

This is one of the more romantic things to say to your boyfriend. It’s also a great way to start out love letters if you’re in a long-distance relationship.

55. All this time together makes me smile so much when I fall asleep at night.

56. I couldn’t ask for a better romantic partner.

57. Your cute smile and the twinkle in your eye make my day.

Every guy needs a compliment once in a while!

58. You’re the dream that I spent my entire life waiting for.

59. True love seemed like a fairy tale that would never come true until I realized it was real the day that I met you.

60. Every day that we’re apart I look at our pictures together so that I can smile again.

Remind him that no matter what, he’s always on your mind. That’s where he wants to be anyway!

61. You’re my life.

62. Nothing can compare to the feeling that I get when your arms are wrapped around me.

63. I can’t wait to fall asleep next to you tonight.

Let him know that you’re counting down the minutes until the two of you can be together again.

64. You’re more than just a boyfriend, you’re my best friend.

65. You’re always the first person on my mind when I open my eyes.

66. You’re my forever valentine.

Not only is this one of the sweetest romantic things to say, it lets your boyfriend know that you want to spend the rest of your life with him.

67. I’m glad that you are in my life.

68. It’s so nice that you both understand and accept me for who I am.

69. Send him a love poetry.

If you’re a writer, consider writing him a poem instead of love letters. He’ll cherish it for an eternity.

70. You don’t even have to do anything to make me smile.

71. I miss you.

72. You’ve helped me become the best woman possible.

Let him know how much he inspires you, and always has.

73. Thank you for everything that you do.

74. I don’t know what I did to deserve you, but I’m glad that I’ve got you.

75. Words truly cannot express how much you mean to me.

words truly cannot express how much you mean to me

When you can’t seem to find the right words, these words will work perfectly.

76. You’re the cheese to my macaroni.

77. Thanks for mowing the grass every weekend baby.

78. The day that I stop thinking about you will be the day that I die.

A thoughtful way to let him know that you’re always thinking about him. I am a pretty busy person, so I like to send messages like this throughout the day to let my partner know that I still think about them.

79. You’re my rock. I wouldn’t be able to make it through this world without you.

80. Your love is like a drug that I’m addicted to.

81. To call you my boyfriend minimizes everything that you mean to me. You’re more than that. You’re my everything.

This can let your man know that he means the world to you. It truly captures just how much you love him.

82. I hope that you get everything that you’re working for.

83. I always notice when you go out of your way, and it’s always appreciated.

84. Every little thing you do is so adorable.

If you’re looking for cute, romantic things to say, this one is it. Let him know that he’s more than just someone to change a flat tire with this.

85. I just wanted to tell you that I’m thinking about you, and can’t wait to see you again.

86. My love for you is priceless.

87. I love you.

A simple I love you message can mean the world to him when he’s having a bad day. Use this to bring a grin to his face.

88. My heart races every time that I see you, even though we’ve been together for months.

89. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to make sure that I spend the rest of my life with you.

90. A lifetime doesn’t seem long enough to spend with you. I want more.

If you’re looking for romantic things to say to your boyfriend, this is one that you need to make a mental note of. Nothing says that you love him for who he really is like saying that you want to spend the rest of your life with him.

91. I’m the luckiest woman in the world because I have your heart.

92. You make running boring errands so much fun.

93. There was always something missing in my life before I met you.

For those boyfriends that just finally make you feel complete.

94. I never want to lose you.

95. Life without you would be so empty.

96. You make me smile so much that I always want to be around you.

If he’s going out of his way to make you smile, let him know that you appreciate it.

97. Even when I’m at my lowest, you always know the perfect words to say.

98. The safety that I feel when I’m wrapped in your arms is the true definition of heaven on Earth.

99. You’re my angel.

For when he’s always your knight in shining armor.

100. Thank you just for being mine.

thank you just for being mine

101. You’re the only thing that can make bad days better.

102. I can’t fall asleep without talking to you.

Sometimes, you really can’t sleep until you hear his voice.

103. Listening to your heartbeat is so soothing.

104. Can I have your hoody?

105. The way that your fingers are always tangled in mine when we go places reminds me that I have the best boyfriend in the world.

A thoughtful love note to remind him that he’s the best.

106. I sleep so much better when you’re next to me.

107. Just knowing that I get to spend forever with you makes me feel like the luckiest girl alive.

108. I wish that I could pause life so that I could stay in this moment forever.

One of the more romantic things to say to let him know you enjoy those little moments.

109. I never knew what a true gentleman was until I met you.

110. You’re the first person to make me feel this way.

111. You make me so much incredibly happier.

His goal is to make you happy, so let him know that his efforts are working.

112. Life feels so much better when you’re in it.

113. Feeling lost when you’re not next to me is the worst feeling in the world.

114. It’s so hard to find the ideal words to describe someone as amazing as you.

It seems like nothing fits quite right because he’s so amazing.

115. Even the way that you snore is adorable…

116. You’re just so handsome!

117. No one has ever made me smile as much as you do.

You literally can’t stop smiling like an idiot when he’s around.

118. It’s so nice that I can share all of my secrets with you.

119. You’ve never stopped giving me butterflies in my stomach.

120. Thank you so much for all of the cute things that you do for me.

Let him know that those thoughtful gifts are appreciated.

121. I’ll never take you for granted baby.

122. You’re my handsome muse.

123. You make me feel appreciated more than anyone else ever has.

When he’s obviously better than the rest.

124. When I’m with you, I feel whole.

125. Absolutely nothing can compare to how much I love you and all of the cute things that you do.

absolutely nothing can compare to how much I love you and all of the cute things that you do

126. Any time that we’re together, I never stop smiling.

Why would you with how amazing he is?

127. You’re the most important person in my life.

128. I love the way that you smile when we’re together.

129. You bring me so much happiness.

It’s always good to let him know how happy he makes you.

130. All of the sweet things that you do stay in my mind forever.

131. Thank you for those tiny romantic things that you do. It means the world to me.

132. I didn’t know a long-distance relationship could work until I met someone as amazing as you.

Because he’s making the extra effort to make it work with you.

133. I’ll stand beside you no matter what you’re up against.

134. It’s not so much that I couldn’t live without you, it’s that I would never want to.

135. This past Valentine’s Day was so special because I got to spend it with you.

One of the romantic things to say to celebrate one of the most romantic holidays.

136. Your sweet smile makes all of my problems melt away.

137. The safety of being in your embrace makes me feel like everything will always be okay.

138. I’ve never had a best friend that I could share anything with until I met you.

Let him know how refreshing it is to be able to be yourself.

139. The sweet things that you do are some of my best memories in life.

140. How did you get to be the most amazing man in the world?

141. The day that I met you was the best day of my life.

This is the perfect thing to say to your boyfriend to let him know how unforgettable he is.

142. I know that you’re my sweet amazing boyfriend, but sometimes it feels more like you are an angel sent from the heavens.

143. I never knew what true love was until I met you.

144. Being with you is so safe and cozy.

If you’re looking for romantic things to say to your boyfriend, keep in mind that you don’t have to write poetry. Sometimes romantic things to say are more about how you feel about him, and how he makes you feel.

145. You’re more comfortable than a warm blanket in the middle of winter.

146. You make me feel more alive than I have felt in years.

147. I love every single bit of you.

His flaws and all.

148. Nothing else matters except for the two of us at this moment together.

149. Snuggling with you helps me have the best night’s sleep.

150. I love you more than a fat kid loves cake.

i love you more than a fat kid loves cake

You don’t have to have a romantic quote to say to your boyfriend. Funny lines like this will make him smile.

151. You’re the type of guy that every girl dreams about meeting.

152. I’ve never heard of a guy that does so much for his girlfriend before.

153. Your work ethic is so unbelievably attractive.

For the guy that spends more days working than not working. We appreciate that too!

154. Thanks for always listening to me.

155. I love just going places together.

156. Any time I’m with someone else, I can’t stop telling them about how great you are.

He’ll love knowing that you talk about him.

157. You’re so adorable when you (insert cute things that they do).

158. I love you more than you could possibly realize.

159. Everyone is so jealous that I have the best boyfriend in the world.

Guys that are competitive love hearing about how much better they are than other guys.

160. I can’t wait to be in your arms again.

161. I love you more than there are stars in the sky.

162. You’ve shown me that it’s possible for heaven to be on Earth.

A sweet thing to say to your boyfriend if he’s the definition of angelic.

163. I fall more in love with you every day that we’re together.

164. You’re the habit that I don’t want to break.

165. One of the best parts of my day is knowing that I get to come home to you.

Perfect if you live with him and you’re looking for something to say to your boyfriend.

166. You make me feel like a princess.

167. I could get lost in your beautiful eyes for an eternity.

168. You’re my Prince Charming.

Because he’s more like royalty.

169. You’re the best for always coming to my rescue.

170. It has always felt like I’ve known you forever.

171. I love how honest you are.

Tell your man that you appreciate certain characteristics.

172. Every time you smile, my heart skips a beat.

173. It always feels like we’re in our own little bubble with the rest of the world moving past us when you kiss me.

174. Thanks for putting up with my mood swings. It’s just one more way that you’re perfect for me.

When your guy has been dealing with more than any man should have to, let him know that you appreciate it.

175. I’m so blessed to have someone as amazing as you in my life.

im so blessed to have someone as amazing as you in my life

176. I know that we have our ups and downs, but you’re more than worth it.

177. Your cuddles are the best.

Nothing can compare to cuddles from your baby!

178. I save all of the love notes that you give me in a little box.

179. There’s something about the way you run your fingers through your hair that makes my heart race.

180. Love is like the wind. We can feel it, but we can’t see it. I learned that the day that I met you.

Sometimes, we don’t learn what true love feels like until we meet that special someone. This is the perfect thing to say to your boyfriend when he is that special someone.

181. I love that you never let me down.

182. You plan the best surprises.

183. It means the world to me that you always tell me how wonderful I am.

If he compliments you daily, let him know how much it means to you.

184. I love getting affection from you.

185. You’re a huge catch.

186. I love you more than there is water on this planet.

This one isn’t nearly as cliche as the saying about stars in the sky, making it perfect if you’d like to say something more original.

187. I hope that I never have to tell you goodbye.

188. If I could pick when I die, I would die exactly one minute after you so that we’d never be apart, and you’d never have to live without me.

189. To count how much I love you would be the same as counting the grains of sand on this Earth.

Romantic quotes like this simply say how much you love someone, and they are so sweet.

190. We were meant to watch every sunset together.

191. Our love is stronger than the distance that we have between us right now.

192. You’re the calm in the middle of the storm I call life.

For when he’s always there to help you through the toughest situations.

193. I thought love was a myth until the day I met you.

194. I’m so happy that you’re so good to me.

195. You always know how to make every situation better.

If your man always has the perfect words to say, send him this.

196. I never really knew what happiness was until I met you.

197. You’re a true gift to this Earth.

198. My life got better the day that I met you.

This one is just so sweet and romantic.

199. Together, we can make it through anything.

200. I’ll always have your back baby.

ill always have your back baby

201. You are just so sweet.

Simple and sweet.

202. Memories with you mean more than all of the money in the world.

203. Nothing can break our bond together.

204. I love you, sweetheart.

Daily reminders that you love him are always going to be appreciated.

205. I love going on adventures with you.

206. You rock my world.

207. The bed feels so empty without you next to me.

For those long nights when he’s out of town.

208. I miss your face.

209. You’re the light of my life.

210. You’re the most amazing person in the world.

A casual way to remind him how much you adore him.

211. No one has a sense of humor as amazing as yours.

212. You were the missing piece to this puzzle of life.

213. Being in your arms is true bliss.

Nothing says heavenly better than the word bliss.

214. I used to pray that I would meet someone like you.

215. It’s wonderful how everything just works out since you came into my life.

216. My love for you is truly unconditional.

A great way to let him know that you love him no matter what. 

217. If I could live life all over again, and pick a different husband, I’d still pick you.

218. The only thing I regret in life is that I didn’t meet you sooner.

219. I love the way that you treat me like a queen.

If your man truly treats you like a queen, let him know that you enjoy it!

220. Time stands still the moment that you touch me.

221. I don’t want anyone except for you.

222. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you, my love.

A romantic way to say that you’d do anything in the world for him. 

223. You’re the peanut butter to my jelly.

224. There is no me without you.

225. The unconditional love that you show me every day is amazing.

If the love is unconditional, let him know that!

the unconditional love that you show me every day is amazing

226. It’s crazy how you bring out the best in me without even trying.

227. I love every single part of you. The good, the bad, and even the awkward.

228. You’re the reason behind my smile every morning.

When you wake up smiling, make sure he knows that he’s the reason.

229. You’re always in my dreams.

230. I don’t think I could ever get bored with you.

231. I want to spend the rest of my life with you right by my side.


How can I make my boyfriend feel special with words?

Think of cute things to say to your boyfriend that will make him smile. Use words that you don’t use every day, like blissful and heavenly. Tell him that he means the world to you, and you’re forever grateful for him and everything that he does. 

What can I say to my man to make him feel special?

Tell him how much your relationship means to you. Let him know that you love him unconditionally. Tell him that you would do anything for your relationship. Mention the things he does as a boyfriend that no one else has ever done. More than anything, tell him you love him. 

How do I text romantically?

You can look for cute things to say. Utilize words that are considered romantic, like blissful, heavenly, lovely, unconditional love, etc. Mention how heavenly it feels to be with him every night. Tell him he’s more amazing than the ocean itself. 

What to say to your bf to make him cry?

Tell him how much he means to you. Speak to him romantically. Let him know how amazing he is both as a boyfriend and a person. Inform him that the world is a better place because he’s in it. More than anything, mean the words that you say. 

How can I make my boyfriend crazy about me?

Don’t be jealous. Avoid telling him that he can’t go out with his friends. Get along with both his friends and his family. Make him his favorite meals. Get dressed up every once in a while for him. Make sure to do some spontaneous things in your relationship. Tell him you appreciate him. 

In Conclusion

There are so many romantic things you can say to your boyfriend. What would you add to the list?

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Michelle Devani
My name is Michelle Devani, and I've been helping people with their relationships since 2003. In 2017 I decided it was about time I started a blog on the topic, and since then more than 2 million people worldwide have read my relationship advice. Drop me a comment below to let me know what you think.

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